Family Gingerbread Cookies Workshop
Experience the joy of baking as children and parents team up, dressed in their chef hats and aprons, to craft and embellish delectable gingerbread cookies. Engage in a magical storytelling session, infusing an extra touch of warmth into your holiday moments. Prepare to bake, decorate, and forge treasured memories together this season! As a special touch, each young chef in the workshop will receive an exclusive chef’s hat and apron set, and upon completion, they will be presented with a certificate of achievement.
日期 Date: 8 Dec (Sun) 10-11:30am
費用包括 Package Details : 薑餅人曲奇材料、果汁一杯、證書、廚師帽及圍裙套裝 Gingerbread cookies ingredients (10-12 cookies), cookie box, one cup of fruit juice, certificate, and chef hat & apron set
年齡 Age: 適合2歲或以上 Suitable for kids aged 2 or above
名額 Number of participants : 四位起即可自組工作坊,最多8位 4 children or above can form a workshop, maximum 8 children
每組一大一小收費 Fee for Child-Adult Pair: HK$350
早鳥優惠 Early Bird offer (Before 22/11前) : HK$250
【條款及細則 Terms and conditions】
- 參加者於完成課堂後,可帶走約10-12件曲奇。數量只供參考,按實際情況而定。 Participants can bring home around 10-12 cookies upon completion of the workshop. The final quality is subject to actual situation and may vary.
- 部份食材將與其他學員共同分享。 Some ingredients will be shared with other participants.
- 參加者一旦付款確認,即表示他/她明白及接受Cafe Roma所訂立的所有條款與安排。 Once payment is made, it means the participant agrees to and accepts all the terms and arrangements set by Cafe Roma.
- 如香港天文台在活動前兩小時發出八號或以上熱帶氣旋信號、黑色暴雨警告信號或相關預告,基於安全理由,活動將取消。如活動因天氣及環境因素取消,所有款項將不會退還或作任何其他形式之賠償。 If the Hong Kong Observatory issues a Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 8 or above, a Black Rainstorm Warning Signal, or related announcements two hours before the event, the event will be cancelled. If the event is cancelled due to weather and force majeure factors, no request for refund or compensation under such circumstances shall be entertained.
- Cafe Roma致力採取適當的預防措施,確保活動期間參與者的安全,唯參加者自行評估情況。參加者必須自行保管個人財物以並注意個人身體狀況。如參加者在參與活動時有任何物品遺失及毀壞,或因享用餐廳食物或飲品而身體不適,Cafe Roma概不負責。 While Cafe Roma is committed to taking appropriate preventive measures to ensure the safety of participants during the event, participants are responsible for evaluating the risk involved in the participation of the workshop. Participants are responsible for their personal belongings and their own well-being. Cafe Roma shall not be liable for any loss or damage of personal belongings or wellness issues suffered/caused in the participation of the workshop or at the restaurant.
- 活動參加者同意將活動期間拍攝的照片或影片用作餐廳宣傳推廣之用。 By attending the workshop, participants consent to the use of photographs or videos taken during the event for promotional purposes.
Pizza Pasta Everyday
Exciting news! Our “Pizza Pasta Friday” is back, and extended to EVERY WEEKDAY!
Indulge in delicious pizza and mouthwatering pasta from Tuesday to Friday. From classic Margherita to flavourful Carbonara, we’ve got you covered.
*Only available from 6pm to 8pm every weekday, except festive days and public holidays | The offer is only applicable to regular-priced items | The offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers | Subject to 10% service charge based on the original price | For dine-in only
Cafe Roma’s Kids’ Pizza Workshop lets children realise a dream of becoming a chef.
Price: HK$350 per child
Package includes: Pizza ingredients, one cup of fruit juice, one certificate, and chef hat and apron kit
Duration of workshop: About one hour
Number of participants: Four children or above can form a workshop
Targeted participants: Age 2 or above
Reservation and enquiry: or (852) 3446 1226